The research paper topics should be original and should pass through the plagiarism software. Most professors check for originality, and any paper that does not pass through the plagiarism-detection software will be rejected. As a result, the student will get low grades, so research paper writers will do their best to avoid such a situation.
Due to these plagiarism issues, students cannot use the many research paper examples found online, but at the same time, each of these sample research papers contains tons of information that the writer can use and so, it will be a waste if the sample paper is overlooked completely. The best solution to work around these two problems is to use the research paper example to get as much information as possible from it without actually copying the paper. In other words, writers should read through the paper, understand the ideas presented in it and then write these ideas in the authors' own words. This will ensure that the paper is original and is of the highest quality, as the writer is taking inputs and knowledge from these research paper examples.
When users go through each of the research paper examples related to their field of study, they are sure to come across interesting research paper topics that they can use for their thesis. Each of these sample research papers is written by a different author and maybe at a different period of time. Using the same research paper topics will save a lot of time and effort for the student because they no longer have to rack their minds to come up with an interesting topic that is a part of their current reading.
Another way to use these research paper examples is to copy their style guide that will be written in one of the different formats such as apa, mla, chicago and harvard. These papers give users a fair idea of the formatting style, especially the title page, headers, spacing and references sections, and writers can implement the same formatting style in their paper too. The advantage with using these papers as a basis for formatting style is that writers do not have to spend enormous amounts of time and effort to learn about these formatting styles. Moreover, the different organizations that monitor these styles change the guidelines from time to time to meet the growing needs of the academic world. So, the user does not have to constantly update himself or herself with these new guidelines. They can merely look at the sample paper and implement the same in their paper too.
In short, writers can use different sample papers found online to enhance their research paper quality and to follow the formatting style. They can save a lot of time and effort by going through these papers because they no longer have to research the new guidelines of the formatting style. They can also get research paper topic ideas and some useful content and statistics from these existing sample papers. However, the writer should stay away from copying the content and submitting it as their own because plagiarism is viewed seriously by professors and they may take action against the student if the paper did not pass through the plagiarism software.